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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

vocabulary list

cholesterol-A carbon-based steroid molecule that provides permeability and fluid to plasma membranes. Cholesterol gets a bad rap for clogging and causing heart attacks when present in the body in excessive amounts. vacuole-Fluid-filled,membrane-surrounded cavities inside a cell. The vacuole fills with food being digested and waste material that is on its way out of the cell. Nucleolus- A structure inside the nucleus where RNA is transcribed. chloroplast- an egg shaped body that appears green from all the chlorophyll they contain. This organelle is where photosynthesis take place. cell wall- most made of cellulose,this is the tough and rigid outer layer of plant cells. Histone- Large protein complexes that control the messages sent from the DNA to rest of the cell. protein- A chain, of amino acids specifically folded to take on certain shape,one that determines the protein's function. All enzymes are proteins, but all proteins are enzymes.Tricky how that works. Golgi Body- An organelle in eukaryotic cells containing between three and seven flattened membrane disk called cisternae. The golgi body packages and processes proteins and lipids, and is also called the. Stack of pancakes anyone?

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